A Lady's Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-53 is an account of Clacy's visit with her brother to the Victorian goldfields. It combines detailed description with features of real dramatic interest and gives a lively impression of the times.
Ellen Clacy (1830-1901) was born in Richmond, Surrey. In 1852, she travelled with her brother to Australia to seek their fortune visiting the goldfields. She returned to England a couple of months later, writing under the pseudonym of “Cycla”.
- Introductory remarks
- The voyage out
- Stay in Melbourne
- Camping up – Melbourne to the Black Forest
- Camping up – Black Forest to Eagle Hawk Gully
- The diggings
- Eagle Hawk Gully
- An adventure
- Harriette Walters
- Iron Bark Gully
- Forest Creek
- Return to Melbourne
- Ballarat
- New South Wales
- South Australia
- Melbourne again
- Homeward bound
- Conclusion
Appendix: who should emigrate?
Size: 210 × 148 × 8 mm
108 pages
Copyright: © 2005
ISBN: 9781920897178
Publication: 01 Jan 2006
Series: SUP Classics
Size: 210 × 148 × 8 mm
108 pages
Copyright: © 2005
ISBN: 9781920897178
Publication: 01 Jan 2006
Series: SUP Classics