Diabetes, obesity and their related diseases make up one of the greatest challenges to human health in the 21st century. In A Modern Epidemic: Expert Perspectives on Obesity and Diabetes, a diverse group of researchers and clinicians from the University of Õ¬Äе¼º½ has joined forces to discuss how to tackle these major health challenges.
Obesity and diabetes are not just problems for the individual. They pose risks to the environmental, psychological and economic stability of the entire world. The solutions, therefore, need to be equally wide-ranging and accessible to all. Acknowledging this, the authors write in an engaging style about the causes and consequences of obesity and diabetes, as well as prevention and treatment: how to identify and mitigate the risk factors, deliver targeted and effective healthcare, and formulate global strategies to ultimately turn the tide on the 21st century's most devastating diseases.
Louise A. Baur is the professor of child and adolescent health at the University of Õ¬Äе¼º½.
Roger S. Magnusson is professor of health law and governance at the University of Õ¬Äе¼º½.
Stephen M. Twigg is Kellion professor of endocrinology and Stan Clark chair in diabetes at Õ¬Äе¼º½ Medical School, the University of Õ¬Äе¼º½.
Preface by Jill Trewhella
Õ¬Äе¼º½ the contributors
Introduction by Louise A. Baur, Stephen M. Twigg and Roger
S. Magnusson and Kerrie Legge
The physiological level
1. The biology of weight control by Amanda Sainsbury
2. The geometry of human nutrition by Stephen J. Simpson and David Raubenheimer
3. Insulin resistance pathogenesis
in visceral fat and gut organisms by Yan Lam, Connie Ha and Andrew Holmes
4. Pancreatic beta-cell failure in
the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes by Alexandra Sharland
5. Pancreatic beta-cell failure in
the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes by Jenny Gunton and Christian M Girgis
Specific risk groups and settings
6. Gender and obesity by Murray Fisher and Natalie Chilko
7. Preventing chronic disease to
close the gap in life expectancy for Indigenous Australians by Alan Cass, Paul Snelling and Alex Brown
8. The case for and against the
regulation of food marketing directed towards children by Bridget Kelly, Rohan Miller and Lesley
9. Benefits of developing a
whole-school approach to health promotion by Jenny O’Dea
10. Health implications of
overweight and obesity in children and adolescents by Shirley Alexander
11. Child and adolescent obesity
in Asia by Mu Li and Michael J. Dibley
Ethics, policy and regulation
12. The ethical implications of
intervening in bodyweight by Stacy M. Carter, Ian Kerridge, Lucie
Rychetnik and Lesley King
13. How law and regulation can add
value to prevention strategies for obesity and diabetes by Roger S. Magnusson
14. Whole of society approaches to
preventing obesity and diabetes by Philayrath Phongsavan, Chris Rissel,
Lesley King and Adrian Bauman
15. How self-perception, emotion
and beliefs influence eating and weight-related behaviour by Brooke Adam and Elizabeth Rieger
16. The role of physical activity
in the prevention and treatment of diabetes by Klaus Gebel, Hidde P. van der Ploeg, Maria
Fiatarone Singh and Adrian Bauman
17. Nutrition therapy in the
treatment of diabetes by Jennie Brand-Miller, and
Geoffrey Ambler,
18. Current therapies and pharmacy
programs for obesity and diabetes by Carol Armour, Betty Chaar, Michael
Murray, Geoffrey Ambler, and Ines Krass
19. Diabetes healthcare strategies
to cope with the growing epidemic by Marg McGill and Jane Overland
20. Managing diabetes complications
in the clinical arena by Stephen M. Twigg, and
Susan V. McLennan
21. Obesity treatment for adults, adolescents
and children by Ian Caterson, Nick Finer, Louise A Baur, and
Kate Steinbeck
22. A ‘cure’ for diabetes and its
complications by Kim Donaghue, Tony Keech, Maria Craig and
Philip O’Connell
'a diverse group of clinicians from the University of Õ¬Äе¼º½ dissect strategies to tackle these major health challenges ... the authors detail the current landscape in an engaging style, listing the causes and consequences of obesity and diabetes, as well as prevention and treatment approaches.'
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal
Size: 250 × 176 × 24 mm
452 pages
10 b&w tables and 41 b&w illustrations
Copyright: © 2012
ISBN: 9781920899851
Publication: 21 Mar 2012