Politics and Religion in the New Century contains a collection of philosophical reflections on the intersection of religion and the political in contemporary social, political and intellectual life. Based on new research, the essays raise questions about the contemporary philosophical engagement with religion that orientate it on its practical rather than metaphysical dimension. That is, its social, political and ethical significance. This collection provides important insights for those interested in: philosophy, religious studies, politics, human rights, globalisation, social theory, ethics, sociology, political economy, government, anthropology, contemporary culture, and issues of justice and power generally.
Philip Andrew Quadrio is a philosopher based at the University of Õ¬Äе¼º½.
Philip Andrew Quadrio
- Gods of the state: atheism, Englightenment and barbarity
Peter Slezak - Philosophy of religion’s political character: myths of tolerance and the re-sanctification of politics
Michael Levine - Liberalism, the ethics of citizenship and religious belief
Anthony J. Langlois - Respecting an establishment of religion
Richard Hamilton - The political identity of the Christian church reconsidered: some resources from the history of political theology
Matheson Russell - Religious truth in a globalising world: new challenges to philosophy of religion
Peter Jonkers - A place for forgiveness? A Derridean response to terrorism
Michael Strawser - In a time of terror: globalisation, transformation, ethics and the Enlightenment
Raymond Aaron Younis - Bergson’s myth-making faculty: political fabulation and its two religious sources
Carl Power - Is radical ecopolitics secular and how might it be?
Carleton B. Christensen - On praxis for faith and understanding
Paul Crittenden - Metaphilosophical reflections on theism and atheism in the current debate
Paolo Diego Bubbio - Parochialism in a pluralistic context: a time for critical self-reflection on philosophy of religion
Philip A. Quadrio
Size: 210 × 148 × 32 mm
430 pages
Copyright: © 2009
ISBN: 9781920899318
Publication: 16 Nov 2009