
Social Work Education

Voices from the Asia Pacific

Edited by Carolyn Noble and Mark Henrickson

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Format: paperback
446 pages
ISBN: 9781743320396

Publication: 16 May 2013

Publisher: Õ¬Äе¼º½

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Social work and social development in the Asia-Pacific region continue to grow in new and exciting ways. Social work educators are an essential part of shaping social work and development. In this second edition we hear four new voices, from Cambodia, Fiji, Japan and Vietnam, together with revised and updated chapters from social work educators in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Nepal, and New Zealand. Summaries of each chapter are included in Chinese, Japanese and Korean, as well as in the first language of the author.

Despite the astonishing diversity of languages, cultures, philosophies, religions, economic systems and ways that social work is taught and practised in the region, social work in the Asia-Pacific is becoming more internationally cohesive. At the same time it maintains strong foundations in its local contexts. In an increasingly globalised world, international social work belongs in every 21st-century social work curriculum. While this book does not provide all the answers, it will help educators and practitioners ask better questions.

Carolyn Noble is professor emerita at the Victoria University, Melbourne and inaugural professor of social work at the Australian College of Applied Psychology in Õ¬Äе¼º½, Australia.

Mark Henrickson is an associate professor in social work at Massey University, Auckland.


Cultural voices
1. Call for incorporating cultural competency in South Korean social work education by Jun Sung Hong and In Young Han
2. Respecting knowledge: circular movement in teacher/learner roles to advancing Indigenous social work education and practice by Lorraine Muller and Susan Gair
3. Diversity in gender equality in Asia by Murli Desai
4. Teaching heterosexual privilege by Mark Henrickson
5. Authentication in social work education: the balancing act by Moses Faleolo

National voices
6. Social work definition in Japan: international definition of social work and the Japanese social work education community by Kana Matsuo
7. Social work education in Vietnam: developments and progress by Richard Hugman, Bùi Thị Xuân Mai and Nguyễn Thị Thái Lan
8. The development of the social work profession and social work education in China: issues and prospects by Joe C.B. Leung
9. Contemporary challenges to social work education in Cambodia by Keo Chanvuthy
10. Social work education in South Asia: a Nepalese perspective by Bala Raju Nikku

Curriculum and practicum
11. Designing advocacy and social action curriculum: reflections from the classroom by Heather Fraser
12. Walking the talk in social work education by Ksenija Napan
13. Reciprocity and cultural diversity: creating successful field education placements by Louise Coventry and Marty Grace
14. Field education in Fiji: practice challenges and opportunities by Kate Saxton

Policy voices
15. Social work and the Asia Pacific: from rhetoric to practice by Carolyn Noble
16. The humanitarian perspective in social work and community welfare education by Deborah West and Dan Baschiera
17. Labour migration and human rights: challenges for social work practice and education by Nilan G. Yu
18. Asylum seekers, human rights and social work by Linda Briskman


Format: paperback
Size: 210 × 148 × 24 mm
446 pages
5 b&w tables
Copyright: © 2013
ISBN: 9781743320396
Publication: 16 May 2013