/collections/all.atom լе 2022-12-12T20:58:26+11:00 լе /products/7721153331388 2022-12-12T20:58:26+11:00 2022-12-12T20:58:26+11:00 Moments in Between Paperback լе

Vendor: լе
Type: Paperback
Price: 30.00

“From where does joy arise, and to where does it go?”– James Puterflam

The movie that you can rely on to brighten your spirits.

The hobby, place, or person that never fails to make a bad day feel that little bit better.

The desire to hold tightly to what we love, the things we believe in, is so uniquely human that it binds us all together.

When difficult days come rolling in, it is the nature of human beings to turn to the things that keep us afloat. Sometimes, they’re small, so dismissible that to put weight on them seems a fool’s errand: the smell of baking bread; the joy you feel when, finally, your home garden begins to sprout; the moments we don’t appreciate when life is going right, only when it’s going wrong.

But it is these simple pleasures that make us who we are.

In a world of chaos, complications and controversy, it is these thoughts that calm, cultivate and connect. These pages contain the scribbles of pleasure, a look into the simplest of joys, the wildest of passions, found in the moments in between.

“You need only turn around the corner to find it. Just where you left it.” – Vanessa Vu

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