Goldfields rebels and Australian federation by Ed Jaggard
Medieval Welsh women: the daughters of Llywelyn Fawr (Llywelyn the Great – 1173–1240) by Gwenyth Richards
Margins or heartlands: nationality on the borders of England and Scotland by Sybil M Jack
Agnes Campbell and Finola MacDonnell: a Scottish mother and daughter in sixteenth-century ‘British’ politics by Lorna G Barrow
‘A most industrious well-disposed people.’ Milford Haven Quakers and the Pembrokeshire whaling industry c.1791–1821 by Richard Allen
Gaeldom’s diaspora by Robin MacKenzie-Hunter
Crossing cultural boundaries? Irish Catholics and the Welsh language in the twentieth century by Trystan Owain Hughes
Captive in fairyland: the strange case of Robert Kirk of Aberfoyle by Sophie Masson
Concepts of nationhood in nineteenth-century Welsh language religious literature by Sión Owen
1916 – the nation as an ideal by Emma Hunt
Tomás Ó Crohan and nation by Irene Lucchitti
Homecoming: visions of home in contemporary Irish poetry by Kim Cheng Boey
The Arts
Images of the mother and child: from early Christianity to the Book of Kells by Denise M Doyle
National religions and the survival of stone sculpture: some preliminary observations by Pamela O’Neill
David Jones: the battle of the psyche – lost and won! by Marian Marcatili
Germanic visions of the Celtic world 1770–1970 by Michael Nelson
Time, Place and Identity
‘The Celtic year’: reconsidering early Celtic divisions of time by Bronwyn C Ledgard
The blacksmith: an integral member of society in early Ireland and Scotland by Julianna Grigg
Nemeta: town halls and village churches by Kristen Erskine
The myth of Tara by Daniel Bray
British and Irish colonial churches: an alternative model to the ‘Celtic Church’ by Lyn Olson
The delineation of a medieval ‘nation’: Brittones, Cymry and Wealas before the Norman conquest by Kaele Stokes
Size: 210 × 148 mm
316 pages
Copyright: © 2003
ISBN: 9781864875157
Publication: 01 Jan 2003
Series: Õ¬Äе¼º½ Series in Celtic Studies