
Exile and Homecoming

Papers from the Fifth Australian Conference of Celtic Studies

Edited by Pamela O'Neill

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Format: paperback
411 pages
ISBN: 9781864877427

Publication: 01 Jan 2005
Series: Õ¬Äе¼º½ Series in Celtic Studies
Publisher: The University of Õ¬Äе¼º½


Themes of exile in medieval Welsh court poetry by Nerys Ann Jones

Expulsion of the Familia Jae over the Spine of Britain by King Nechtán by Julianna Grigg

Baudri of Bourgueil peregrinus ac exsul in citeriori Britannia by Lynette Olson

The ‘other’ wild geese? Expatriate Scottish soldiers and the Jacobite Cause in 1691 by Matthew Glazier

Identity, loss and absence: the exilic experiences of Celtic women on migration to Western Australia from 1960 to 1969 by Paula-Lee M Magee


‘Keeping the Faith’: the Catholic press and the preservation of Celtic identity in Britain in the late nineteenth century by Joan Allen

Emigration or exile? the diaspora from the Hebrides in the mid-nineteenth century by Sybil Jack

The Celtic Curse by Stella G St Clair-Kendall

The blood is strong: constructions of Celtic health in Australia by Ronald McCoy; Michael Kidd and Felicity Allen

Jack and Jen in Oz: Cornish identity in Australian children's literature by Rosanne Hawke


An introduction to Tanistry by Neil McLeod

The Case of Tanistry and native title law in Australia by Rowena Finnane

Scottish princesses go abroad by Lorna Barrow

Schiller’s Mary Queen of Scots by Michael Nelson

Clann MacKenna’s Edwardian exile by Martin Farr

The general election of 1918 in Ireland, Scotland and Wales by Trevor Lloyd


Alba: Pictish homeland or Irish offshoot? by Dauvit Broun

Boundaries, routes and sculptured stones in early medieval Scotland by Pamela O’Neill

Pictland and its symbol stones by Helen McKay and Rain Fisher Wolf

Spiral patterns in Irish decoration from Newgrange to the tenth century by Tessa Morrison

Sacred water: pilgrimage to and veneration of holy wells by pagans and Christians in the British Isles by Dominique Beth Wilson

Túatha Dé Danann: their origin and exile by Bronwyn C Ledgard


An exile’s return: John Mitchel’s campaigns for Tipperary, 1875 by Andrew Shields

‘I’ve come home, and home I'm gonna stay’: The Quiet Man (1952) in Irish-American cinematic history by Richard C Allen

Format: paperback
Size: 210 × 148 mm
411 pages
Copyright: © 2004
ISBN: 9781864877427
Publication: 01 Jan 2005
Series: Õ¬Äе¼º½ Series in Celtic Studies