Jonathan Wooding is Sir Warwick Fairfax Chair of Celtic Studies at the University of Õ¬Äе¼º½.
United Irishman Organisation in New South Wales and the Castle Hill Revolt of March 1804 by Ruán O’Donnell
The Connerys in Ireland and NSW by Brendan Kiely
‘An Interesting Freight of Numerous Friendless Beings’ – pre-Famine Assisted Immigration to NSW by Perry McIntyre
Embarking for the New World – a Group Migration to South Australia in 1849 by Patrick Duffy
A Gathering of Irish Instinctives: Dan Deniehy’s Republican Portrait by David Headon
Finding the Welsh in NSW by Lesley Walker
Boorowa and Young-a case study of the Influence of Irish-Australians on the Voting for Australian Federation by Patrick McCormack
Irish-Australian Nightingales – Voices from an Invisible Choir? by Jeff Brownrigg
Priests, the Gaelic Revival and Irish-Australian Cultural Identity, 1880–1920 by Jonathan Wooding
The Impact of Vietnam and Ireland on Australian Identity during the 1960s by Val Noone
Louis de Paor – From the Boy to the Father by Brian ÓConchubhair
Size: 248 × 180 mm
160 pages
Copyright: © 2001
ISBN: 9781742105543
Publication: 01 Jan 2001
Series: Õ¬Äе¼º½ Series in Celtic Studies