
A Lady's Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-53

Written on the Spot

Ellen Clacy

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Format: paperback
Edition: First published in London by Hurst and Blackett in 1853. The publication of this book is part of the University of լе Library’s Australian Studies electronic texts initiative.
108 pages
ISBN: 9781920897178

Publication: 01 Jan 2006
Series: SUP Classics
Publisher: լе

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A Lady's Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-53 is an account of Clacy's visit with her brother to the Victorian goldfields. It combines detailed description with features of real dramatic interest and gives a lively impression of the times.

Ellen Clacy (1830-1901) was born in Richmond, Surrey. In 1852, she travelled with her brother to Australia to seek their fortune visiting the goldfields. She returned to England a couple of months later, writing under the pseudonym of “Cycla”.

  1. Introductory remarks
  2. The voyage out
  3. Stay in Melbourne
  4. Camping up – Melbourne to the Black Forest
  5. Camping up – Black Forest to Eagle Hawk Gully
  6. The diggings
  7. Eagle Hawk Gully
  8. An adventure
  9. Harriette Walters
  10. Iron Bark Gully
  11. Forest Creek
  12. Return to Melbourne
  13. Ballarat
  14. New South Wales
  15. South Australia
  16. Melbourne again
  17. Homeward bound
  18. Conclusion

Appendix: who should emigrate?

Format: paperback
Size: 210 × 148 × 8 mm
108 pages
Copyright: © 2005
ISBN: 9781920897178
Publication: 01 Jan 2006
Series: SUP Classics