In December of 2023, we ran a social media questionnaire asking what SUP followers have always wanted to know about publishing. Read the SUP Q&A responses below:

Q: I've been invited onto a book writing team for 2024. What do I need to know about working with such a team?
How exciting! You may wish to ask your editor if the publisher has a House Style Guide, so that you can prepare your manuscript according to their preferred referencing and editorial style. There may also be key points in time when you are asked to review edits, sign off on your work and promote the book, so you should ask your editor if they know the dates that they would like you to be available. We hope you have a smooth and enjoyable experience with your team.
Q: What is the process of submitting your work into a publisher? Are there certain requirements?
Each publisher has different requirements for accepting a submission. At SUP we look for quality proposals for monographs, multi-authored or edited collections and research-based books for the general reader in subject areas that are covered by the SUP series. The steps for submitting a proposal to SUP are listed on the “Authors Page” of the լе University press website.
Most publishers will want a detailed synopsis of the book. For a single-authored book, this should include an overview of the arguments or ideas, how they flow through the chapters, and the conclusions drawn. For multi-authored books, cohesion between the chapters is important, as well as strong recommendations for action.
Q: How do you get a job reading/editing the submissions?
We have internal editors who read and edit the acquired submissions. We also outsource some submissions to external freelancers depending on our workload, expertise, and budget. If you have editing experience, and would like to be entered into our database, please send an email and a copy of your resume through to
Q: How long does it take to publish a book, from pitch to print?
The pitching, discussion and acquisition stage can take an unlimited amount of time, depending on the publisher. Once the manuscript has been submitted, the book will go through the publishing process which is a minimum of 9 months and can be as long as 12 or 18 months depending on the peer review process and subsequent work required, and the publishing schedule for the period.
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