Urban and regional planning is increasingly central to public policy in Australia and internationally. As cities and regions adapt to profound economic, societal and technological shifts, new urban and environmental problems are emerging – from inadequate systems of transport and infrastructure, to declining housing affordability, biodiversity loss and human-induced climate change.
Australian Urban Land Use Planning provides a practical understanding of the principles, processes and mechanisms for strategic and proactive urban governance. Substantially updated and expanded, this second edition explains and compares the legislation, policy and plan-making, development assessment and dispute resolution processes of Australia’s eight state and territorial planning jurisdictions as well as the changing role of the Commonwealth in environmental and urban policy.
This new edition also extends the coverage of planning practice, with a new chapter on planning for climate change, a more detailed treatment of planning for housing diversity and affordability, and a comprehensive analysis of the NSW planning system and its evolution over the last 30 years.
'The book offers insights into the complex interactions that occur in planning and provides a guide to how it can be navigated within the Australian context. The result is a book that provides the reader with a very good basis to understanding the fundamentals of planning in Australia and as such the book offers a platform for the student to enter the workforce with a confident knowledge of land use planning at a working level.'
Stephen Wearing, University of Technology, լе
Nicole Gurran is an associate professor of urban planning at the University of լе.
Introduction: why is planning important?
Section 1: principles – urban and environmental planning and policy
1. The objectives of land use planning
2. The land use planning process
3. The development control tool kit
Section 2: systems – urban land use planning in Australia
4. Intergovernmental responsibilities for the environment and land use planning in Australia
5. Frameworks for state and territorial planning legislation and policy in Australia
6. Systems for plan-making, development assessment and planning appeals in the Australian states and territories
7. Thirty years of environmental planning in NSW
8. Development control and environmental assessment in NSW
Section 3: practice – planning for environmental sustainability, climate change, housing choice and affordability
9. Local planning for environmental sustainability: Australian practice
10. Climate change mitigation, adaptation and local planning
Nicole Gurran, Elisabeth Hamin, Barbara Norman
11. Planning for housing supply, choice and affordability
Conclusion: urban land use planning in Australia – strengths, weaknesses and priorities for reform
‘The book provides a comprehensive view of the Australian urban land use planning experience. It helps the reader to understand the complexity of the institutions, laws and policies that are involved in shaping land use planning. ... This is a book that can be thoroughly recommended to readers seeking to understand the Australian experience in grappling with land use planning.’
Frank Stilwell Journal of International Real Estate and Construction Studies
‘This ... [edition] provides an excellent summation of land use and planning principles, policies and laws within Australia ... It primarily examines the statutory frameworks within which planning – particularly land use planning – occurs, placing primary importance on the New South Wales planning system. It also extends this analysis to strategic planning issues and outcomes. Overall, it provides this foundational planning system framework in a clear, detailed and methodical manner, readily accessible for both the legal and non-legal audience. Accordingly, it is particularly beneficial for relevant policymakers and students studying land use planning, as well as administrative decision-makers and lawyers who are new to planning law.’
Tayanah O'Donnell Urban Policy and Research
Size: 250 × 176 × 16 mm
318 pages
29 b&w tables and 43 b&w illustrations
Copyright: © 2011
ISBN: 9781920899776
Publication: 27 Jun 2011