
Adapa Monographs

Adapa was the Sumerian sage of wisdom. He was gifted with this ability by Enki, the god of wisdom and waters. Adapa was originally honoured at the Sumerian city of Eridu. Eventually, his wise counsel spread across the Sumerian world.

The Adapa Monographs series focuses on the archaeology of the ancient Near East and adjacent areas from North Africa to Central Asia. Archaeology in these regions is a vibrant and active field of research, further stimulated by issues relating to the loss of cultural heritage to war and other factors. The series is published in association with the Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation at the University of լе.

Series Editors

Professor Alison Betts (University of լе) and Professor Barbara Helwing (University of լе)
Executive Editor: Dr Stephen Bourke (University of լе)

Editorial Board

Dr Phillip Edwards (La Trobe University)
Professor Peter Magee (Bryn Mawr College)
Dr Steven McPhillips (University of Bonn)
Professor Sturt Manning (Cornell University)
Professor Elizabeth Minchin (Australian National University)
Dr Cameron Petrie (Cambridge University)
Dr Kay Prag (University of Manchester)
Dr Rachael Sparks (University College London)
Professor Lloyd Weeks (University of New England)


Authors are invited to discuss potential titles for the series with the series editors, or Naomi van Groll.

To submit a proposal, please refer to our .