
Animal Politics

Animal Politics provides a forum for critical animal studies scholarship that is grounded in and expands political and critical theory. Our understanding of “politics” is expansive, embracing work across disciplines and scales, including but also reaching beyond institutional, cultural, and relational dimensions of politics. We are especially interested in the work of critical animal studies scholars that is intersectional in approach, or that puts considerations of animals as political subjects in conversation with critical race and ethnicity studies, anti-colonialism and Indigenous studies, gender and sexuality studies, feminist and queer theory, critical disability and mad studies, labour, and critical poverty studies.

Established in 2013 as Animal Publics, the series title change to Animal Politics in 2023 marks the beginning of a new phase and collective of editors, but continues the commitment to publish pioneering political and theoretical work in critical animal studies. While the focus of the series remains very much on animals, we welcome works that put critical animal studies in dialogue with critical plant, ecosystem or environmental studies and other approaches to multispecies justice. When we speak of multispecies justice, we refer to the dismantling of structures and logics of oppression that cut across species or typological categories, and to strivings for animal and ecological flourishing. We offer Animal Politics as a venue for cutting edge research across disciplines that engage with the political positioning of animals.

We are particularly interested in monographs and welcome these in standard academic formats and lengths as well as in experimental and creative genres and books of shorter length.

Series Editors

Professor Danielle Celermajer(University of լе)
Dr Rick De Vos (Curtin University)
ٰChloëTaylor (University of Alberta)
Dr Katie Woolaston (Queensland University of Technology)

Editorial Board

Professor Núria Almiron (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Associate Professor Sune Borkfelt (Aarhus University)
Dr Melissa Boyde (University of Wollongong)
Professor Emeritus Carol Gigliotti (Emily Carr University of Design)
Professor Oscar Horta (University of Santiago de Compostela)
Dr André Krebber (University of Kassel)
Professor Clare Palmer (University of Texas)
Pablo Pérez Castelló (Queen's University)
Professor Anne Peters (Director, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law)
Dr Anat Pick (Queen Mary University of London)
Professor Annie Potts (University of Canterbury)
Professor Fiona Probyn-Rapsey
Professor Emeritus Peta Tait (La Trobe University)
Professor Nik Taylor (University of Canterbury)
Associate Professor Thom van Dooren (University of լе)
Associate Professor Dinesh Wadiwel (University of լе)
Dr Yvette Watt


Authors are invited to discuss potential titles for the series with the series editors, orNaomi van Groll.

To submit a proposal, please refer to our.