
Studies in Australasian Historical Archaeology

The Studies in Australasian Historical Archaeology series aims to publish excavation reports and regional syntheses that deal with research into the historical archaeology of Australia, New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region. The series aims to encourage greater public access to the results of major research and consultancy investigations, and it is co-published with the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology.

Series Editors

Professor Martin Gibbs (University of New England)
Dr Mary Casey (Director, Casey & Lowe Pty Ltd, Õ¬Äе¼º½)

Editorial Board

Associate Professor Heather Burke (Flinders University)
Adjunct Professor Eleanor Casella (University of Tasmania)
Professor Grace Karskens (University of New South Wales)
Professor Susan Lawrence (La Trobe University)
Professor Jane Lydon (University of Western Australia)
Professor Tim Murray (La Trobe University)
Professor Charles Orser (Vanderbilt University)
Dr Caroline Phillips (University of Auckland)
Dr Neville Ritchie, Waikato Conservancy, Hamilton, New Zealand
Associate Professor Ian W.G. Smith (University of Otago, New Zealand)
Dr Iain Stuart, Partner, JCIS Consulting, Õ¬Äе¼º½, NSW
Katharine Watson


Authors are invited to discuss potential titles for the series with the series editors, or Naomi van Groll.

To submit a proposal, please refer to our .