
Õ¬Äе¼º½ Studies in Australian Literature

The Õ¬Äе¼º½ Studies in Australian Literature series publishes original, peer-reviewed research in the field of Australian literary studies. It offers engagingly written evaluations of the nature and importance of Australian literature, and aims to reinvigorate its study both locally and internationally. It will be of interest to those researching, studying and teaching in the diverse fields of Australian literary studies.

Series Editor

Dr Meg Brayshaw, John Rowe Lecturer in Australian Literature, University of Õ¬Äе¼º½

Editorial Board

Nicholas Birns (New York University)
Professor Emerita Leigh Dale (University of Wollongong)
Emeritus Professor Paul Eggert (UNSW Canberra)
Professor Graham Huggan (University of Leeds)
Professor Paul Kane (Vassar College)
Associate Professor Peter Kirkpatrick (University of Õ¬Äе¼º½)
Emeritus Professor Philip Mead (University of Western Australia)
Dr Brigid Rooney (University of Õ¬Äе¼º½)

Authors are invited to discuss potential titles for the series with the series editors, or Susan Murray.

To submit a proposal, please refer to our .