Who were the Celts? Over two thousand years ago the Celts were the most numerous and powerful people of the western and central Europe. They were united by language, lifestyle, a love of heroes and a distinctive art which continues to please. Even though much of their culture was eroded by the Roman Empire, Celtic languages, music and poetry survive to this day in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Brittany.
The long history, and prehistory of the various Celtic groups can be reconstructed by combining archaeological, linguistic and historical evidence. This book presents the results of the most recent research and analyses both the cultural unity and the historical diversity of the Celtic world in the millennium 500BC– AD500.
This book is written for the general public but its copious illustrations, maps, glossary and reading list make it useful for teachers and students at secondary and tertiary levels.
Celtica Celtic Society; Celtic Women; ‘Princely Graves’; Hallstatt and La Tène
Celtic Expansion The Celts of North Italy; Conflict with Rome
Expansion to the East The Celtic World in the full La Tène Period
Celts in Iberia Roman Conquest; Romanisation; Classical Descriptions
Gaul Ritual Sites; Druids and the Coligny Calendar; Popular Religion
The Celtic Isles Britannia and Beyond; Early Christian Ireland
Further Reading
Sources of Translations and Illustrations
Size: 210 × 148 mm
120 pages
Copyright: © 1992
ISBN: 9780867586244
Publication: 01 Jan 1992
Series: Õ¬Äе¼º½ Series in Celtic Studies