Gerald Murnane is one of Australia’s most important contemporary authors, but for years was neglected by critics. In 2018 the New York Times described him as “the greatest living English-language writer most people have never heard of” and tipped him as a future Nobel Prize winner.
Gerald Murnane: Another World in This One coincides with a renewed interest in his work. It includes an important new essay by Murnane himself, alongside chapters by established and emerging literary critics from Australia and internationally. Together they provide a stimulating reassessment of Murnane’s diverse body of work.
Anthony Uhlmann is director of the Writing and Society Research Centre at Western լе University.
Gerald Murnane: a chronology
Introduction by Anthony Uhlmann
1. Scenes from Gerald Murnane’s golf club by Tristan Foster
2. To the eye untrained by Luke Carman
3. Truth, fiction and true fiction by Shannon Burns
4. Images and feelings in a sort of eternity: Gerald Murnane’s ideal female reader by Samantha Trayhurn
5. Retrospective intention: the implied author and the coherence of the oeuvre in Border Districts and The Plains by Emmett Stinson
6. Stream system, salient image and feeling: between Barley Patch and Inland by Brigid Rooney
7. Gerald Murnane’s plain style by Mark Byron
8. Landscape within landscape: the intertwining of the visible and the invisible in Gerald Murnane and Henry James by Suzie Gibson
9. Memory, image and reading traces of the infinite: A History of Books by Arka Chattopadhyay
10. Reporting meaning in Border Districts by Anthony Uhlmann
11. What kind of literary history is A History of Books? by Ivor Indyk
12. The still-breathing author by Gerald Murnane
լе the contributors
'So in an interesting way, this is a book directly in touch with its subject—it includes new contributions from the author himself, his publisher and editor Ivor Indyk, and his authorised critical biographer Shannon Burns ... Another World in This One offers a praiseworthy series of attentive and careful engagements with the intricacies of Murnane’s fictions. Much of his oeuvre is intelligently analysed, and particular critical attention is deservedly reserved for the four works of fiction he has published since 2009.'
Joseph Steinberg Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature
Size: 254 × 178 × 14¾ mm
196 pages
Copyright: © 2020
ISBN: 9781743326404
Publication: 02 Mar 2020
Series: լе Studies in Australian Literature